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Training partnership split

Where there is smoke there is usually fire, but the flames are yet to appear.

A lot of speculation of a split between Godolphin and John O’Shea, the principal players are saying nothing, they are playing their cards close to their chest and until such time as one or the other shows their hand it is still speculation.

Until now that is how it should be treated, possibly more will come out of this rumour, or scoop, however, the flames are yet to appear.

On the assumption there is truth in the split between both parties that still remains speculation until a positive announcement is made from either party.

If it all comes to fruition, and John O’Shea is ultimately replaced, the one that is chosen for the position will have to step into king sized boots.

Bookmakers have already framed a market with James Cummings $1.80 favourite, he has only been training for such a short time it is hard to see him filling the position, he has the name but does it fit the profile at this stage, there are no guarantees, it is all based on performance.

Darren Beadman would no doubt be a likely candidate for some consideration, he was been working under O’Shea for the last few years, whether he is ready to fill the driver’s seat is another question, there are two stables to consider, with 60 horses stabled at Flemington under David Charles, with his assistant Alan Johns, and twice as many horses at Anges Banks Hawkesbury, it is the biggest training operation ever seen in the southern hemisphere.

There is a big decision to be made if there is to be a replacement and it cannot be taken lightly.

During the 2016-17 season John O’Shea has trained 166 winners, including four Group 1s, and prizemoney of $15.4 million.

Hawkesbury Stand’s Alone

Hawkesbury did stand alone, and did it very well, a record meeting good fields, 9 races, prize money of $1,185,000, and with only one race less than $100,000.

Melbourne Racing Club’s race program also had nine races, well below Hawkesbury with $840,000.

Victoria is falling behind with the Saturday stand alone race fixtures, the prize money is well below what it should be, with owners having to foot the bill for additional floating for horses etc. but racing for less prizemoney, something is out of kilter somewhere.

Snitzel heads sires list

Snitzel is heading the sire’s list by just the barest margin; however, he is still expected to finish on top of the premiership table.

Currently Snitzel is on $12,629,996, with Street Cry, who died two years ago, on $12,620,470, the margin being just $9,526.

Snitzel would be expected to win as he has more runners on hand and Street Cry’s major contributor, Winx, is off the racing scene until the spring.

The nearest threat to the top two, if any, would be Fastnet Rock, however, that is most unlikely as he is still two and a half million behind.

Written Tycoon is the only Victorian based sire in the top 12, he is holding 10th position, he is being hotly pressed by Redoute’s Choice, and Encosta de Lago is not far away.

New South Wales sires have dominated the breeding industry since Century won the title in 1978-79, his oldest progeny being three year olds at that time, whilst his sire, Better Boy, won the title four times, and was runner up three times, and third once.


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