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Jockeys not interested in Training

An interesting discussion took place recently among racing’s diehards concerning the subject, why so few jockeys turn to training when they retire from riding?

It’s an interesting subject; there can be many reasons why jockeys turn their backs when training is mentioned.

The retiring age of jockeys is generally the mid forties, if they can last that long, it can be a very strenuous life; it’s not as glamorous as some may think.

By the time a jockey finally retires he is sick of racing, he is raced out, the glamour has gone, all he wants is to live a normal life and see his family grow up, there is more to life than riding horses.

Those that do take up training are in the minority, they are late starters, in reality they have lost touch with stable life, even the very best jockeys have found it hard to make the transition from riding to training.

Even retired jockeys are seldom seen at the races, Ron Hutchinson, aged 90, would be the exception, he comes from Mornington regularly, and Brian Gilders admitted it was years since he was at Flemington last.

However, it is not isolated though, it is worldwide, the leading jockeys that have enjoyed success on the track have never bothered to train.

The only two candidates here are likely to be Maurice McCarten, and Angus Armanasco, both were gentleman and each were held in high esteem.

McCarten was an ex New Zealander, he came over to ride Limerick, a very good weight for age horse in the twenties, he won the Sydney jockeys premiership in 1938-39, and champion trainer four times until a fellow known as T J Smith came along, he was premier trainer for 33 years in succession.

A number of good horses out of the Wansey Road stables, Columnist. Delta, Empire Link , Deep River, Todman, his brother Noholme, Wenona Girl, Prince Cortauld, just to name a few.        

Angus Armanasco was premier jockey for some years in Perth, before coming to Melbourne where he trained at Caulfield in the stable vacated by Frank Godby.

It was ironical that Stanley Wootton should choose Maurice McCarten and Angus Armanasco to train his horses, he did not have a great number in work, but it was a select group.


McCarten received Todman, and his full brother Noholme, from Stanley Wootton, whilst Angus wasn’t left out either, he received Star of Heaven, Longwood and Shifnal.


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