Rosehill Remembers Champions
Racing at Rosehill on Saturday will be like a trip down memory lane with races named honouring Ajax, Phar Lap, Sky High and Maurice McCarten.
McCarten was a remarkable figure on and off the racecourse, he won the respect of racing’s hierarchy where ever he travelled, be it Sydney or Melbourne.
He set records that possibly will never be equalled, he won the jockey’s premiership twice in New Zealand, once in Sydney, after retiring from riding, he won the trainer’s premiership four times.
McCarten was at the top of his profession as a jockey when Tom Jones persuaded him to come over from New Zealand to ride Limerick, at Rosehill in 1927.
It was a highly successful venture for Limerick, trainer and jockey, the trio combined to win 11 races mainly at weight for age over a period of 12 months.
When Jones took Limerick back to New Zealand Maurice McCarten remained in Sydney, he took his chances against a great group of riders such as Andy Knox, Fred Shean, Billy Cook , Jim Munro, Stan Davidson, Ted Bartle and the great Jim Pike, while Darby Munro was just an apprentice at that time.
Tom Jones didn’t remain in New Zealand for long; he and Limerick were back in three months ready to take on the best that Sydney had to offer.
The successful trio were back where they had left off, Limerick won a further nine races on end, McCarten rode him in seven wins, he missed two due to suspension.
When Jim Jamieson bought Ammon Ra, the champion two year old, he sought out McCarten to ride the colt, he had been previously ridden by Hector Gray and Keith Voitre.
McCarten was an outstanding jockey, on retirement from riding he became a trainer, his Wansey Road stables at Randwick was never short of a good horse, all the time he trained he was never heard to raise his voice, or be critical of a jockey, remembering he had been one too several years ago.
He joined forces with Neville Sellwood, they combined together to win several major races with Todman, Noholme, Prince Cortauld, Columist and Delta, among others.
When Delta won the Melbourne Cup in1951 the owner, Adolph Basser, a wealthy Sydney jeweller, gave Sellwood a present of a Rolls Royce.
Todman with Maurice McCarten