Kyneton In Sound Position
Kyneton & Hanging Rock Racing Club enjoyed a great racing season in 2013-14, and above all an excellent financial result, with a profit of $117,468 after depreciation.
The club has shown a successful return to racing since a $350,000 improved track drainage has been installed, and an irrigation upgrade.
Within an hour’s drive of the C B D, Kyneton has always been a popular racing venue to Melbournians, the most picturesque of Victoria’s country racecourses.
Grants from the State Government and Racing Victoria have been utilised to further improve public facilities at Kyneton, and the installation of a plastic running rail at Hanging Rock.
Racecourses can be built in a short space of time with modern day equipment, however, those that plant trees rarely see them to their full fruition, Kyneton can always be thankful to the McKenna family for their wisdom at the turn of the previous century.