Redoute’s Choice Wins Third Sire’s Title
Redoute’s Choice is champion sire for season 2013-14, siring 96 winners with progeny earnings of $ 10,302,693, just ahead of his son, Snitzel, with 83 winners earning $9.855.904.
Unique as it may be, the leading sire and his son, are both standing at Arrowfield in the Hunter Valley.
Redoutes Choice’s highest money earner for the season was Lankan Rupee, his connections pocketed $2.737, 750 in prize money, whilst Snitzel’s highest earner for the season was Shamus Award with $2,364,600.
Redoute’s Choice has proved a remarkable sire and a great track performer, now in his18th year he has ticked all the boxes, they don’t come much better than him.
He has the score on the board setting the pinnacle among modern day sires and has always been a hard act to follow, particularly when it comes time for the annual yearling sales, he has stolen the show, of the first 22 yearlings sold, for a seven figure sum, he was represented by15 lots, such has been the demand for his progeny.
Redoute’s Choice has basically followed on from where his own sire, Danehill, was champion sire no fewer than nine times and champion brood mare sire six times, the greatest dual hemisphere sire of all time.
Redoute's Choice - Champion Sire for third time