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Fiorente Retired

Fiorente has been retired after a veterinary scan discovered a tendon injury to his near foreleg, a reason for his lack lustre performance in the B M W at Rosehill on Saturday.

The future for the entire is sceptical at this stage; first thoughts of course are to put him to stud that is not all that easy, staying bred horses are not all that popular as potential sires.

It’s a different ball game now, there are those that will invest millions into the sprinter miler, they have visions of a quick return, they can hear the ring of the cash registers, there is a lot of silence around the stayer.

Maybe the owners will direct their attention to New Zealand as a likely option, but there are no guarantees there either, the Australian buyers deserted Karaka Sales this year like the plague.

Fiorente has done a great job for his group of owners, and Gai Waterhouse, let them pool their resources, buy a stud, plus 40 well bred mares, allowing for attrition, and see how easy it all is.

At least they will be in control of their own destiny.

Stewards Require Keys To Stables

Trainers have until Friday of this week to hand in a set of duplicate keys to the premises where their horses are trained 

Racing stewards will ultimately have keys to all on and off racing stables in Victoria.

Chief Steward, Terry Bailey, said, “the move will give my team the ability to conduct race day inspections of stables without hindrance.”

“We have found that some stables are locked up with people inside when we go there, but we still have trouble getting into the stables,” he added.

Those To Impress At Flemington

River Delta had the drop on those she met in the Prudential Plate, bookies were taking no risks with her after winning easily at Yarra Glen, she opened favourite and remained there throughout proceedings.

Possibly another run and then a break, the spring could then beckon, she has talent.

Pearly Whites led for much of the trip in the same race; there is a bit of form about her, she is a chance in a similar race 

Easy Drama gave her rivals a short back and sides with an impressive win in the VOBIS Gold Ingot. 

It was a nice run for a first upper, he could be improved by a sire that is getting winners in Real Gaga.  




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