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Breeding at Oakford Thoroughbred Farm

Breeding thoroughbred horses can be a very fickle business with fashions continually changing, there is no easy road to success, or guarantees either.

What was popular last year may not necessarily be popular this year, it is solely dependent on the rate of success of the sire, if he is making a name on the racetrack he will no doubt receive a reprieve for another couple of years.

The money invested in bloodstock is enormous, it only takes a couple of admirers to latch onto the one horse and the sky becomes the limit.

With the annual Victorian yearling sales next week, breeders are putting the finishing touches on their horses in the anticipation of a favourable result at the sale.

Service fees mean little to the prospective buyer, he can ignore the sire and dam line provided the animal has type that can often carry him over the line, he will usually find a home.

No one knows those pitfalls better than Brian McKnight, of Oakford Thoroughbred Farm; he has seen egos quickly deflated at the fall of the hammer.

He is a survivor, he has seen it all, the voice of experience, he has learnt a lot since he prepared his first draft of yearlings 50 years ago for the annual yearling sales.

The days when the sales complex was opposite Flemington Racecourse and horses were sold in guineas ($2.10) and the odd 10 cents was the selling commission.

Born and raised in Maldon horses were a way of life for Brian, his father was a contractor, the only implements at that time were horse drawn.

While riding his pony past Trevensen Park Stud he noticed a group of mares and foals grazing in a nearby paddock when the owner, Ed Barty, came across and offered him a job.

He didn’t have to be asked twice, he became Ed Barty’s right hand man, a successful working relationship developed between employer and employee.

Oakford Thoroughbred Farm came to fruition in 1997 after a lot of hard work and long hours, since has seen the development of a highly efficient horse property.

A closely knit family business controlled entirely by the family, and that old adage that has stood the test of time, a family that work together generally stick together 

That is how it has been with the McKnight family, everyone puts in, Brian has the trainer’s license, sons Brendan and Ashley have various skills that are put to good use on the farm, while wife Judy is office manager, housewife with numerous other strings to her bow, and is not backward in coming forward as a midwife during foaling time.

Oakford is almost self sufficient, an excellent farm off the mainstream, winters are generally mild in comparison to other regions of Victoria.

The 800 acre property offers excellent facilities, 2000 metres sand track over rising ground, a well constructed swimming pool, plus a water walker built by Brendan and Ashley and excellent stabling for yearling preparation.

Oakford has an advantage over every horse property in the state, it is completely drought resistant, there is no shortage of water, several paddocks are sown to lucerne and English grasses.

An excellent draft of nine yearlings has been prepared and will be offered at next week’s Premier Yearling Sales, at Oaklands Junction.

Brian and Stryker - Go Ruby Go Custom

Brian McKnight with one of the stars of his draft. By Stryker from Go Ruby Go




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