Vale --Eric Jeffery
Family, friends, and former racing officials gathered at Springvale yesterday to pay their final respects to the late, Eric Jeffery.
He joined the staff of the Victoria Racing Club in 1941 as a 16 year old youth, at the height of World War 11, retiring in 1990 after 50 years of loyal service.
The offices of the V R C were then located in Bourke Street, the present site of the R A C V building.
Bourke Street was the hub of racing, all the city race clubs, and the Werribee race club, were located in the city
Eric Jeffery was an amazing character, he was an act that could never be repeated, he had an answer to most problems.
Trainers had to come into the city to enter their horses; Eric was the confidant, he had to listen to all the hard luck stories.
Those that came into the V R C office with a gripe, usually left with a grin on their face after they met up with Eric.
Rodney Johnson, former secretary of the V R C, has a great repertoire of stories concerning his best mate Eric, a hard act to follow.