Maskiell Is Back
Jason Maskiell is back in town doing what he does best, riding winners; you better get use to him, as he is here to stay this time
Among the most naturally gifted young jockeys in the country, he went off the rails a couple of years ago and has paid a high price for those indiscretions.
Too much money too quickly is the problem; there are always those vultures about to prey on the unsuspected.
Drugs and alcohol are available in unlimited quantity, you don’t have to go far to find them, with young men vulnerable the temptation will always be there.
Riding percentages are paid into a trust fund, controlled by Racing Victoria, until the apprentice completes his, or her, indentures; a weekly allowance is paid by R V L. That does not include presents from owners, known as slings.
A young man living away from home, when he needs parental guidance, is not the ideal solution, sometimes you have no other option, as was in the case of Jason Maskiell, his parents are in Tasmania.
Racing has changed a lot with on course stabling; the complexes are closed from around 5pm, opening up at 3 am the following morning.
These are issues that Racing Victoria will have to look at, the locality where budding apprentice jockeys are currently living and how they can be billeted.
That was never a problem when we had the private stables, they lived and ate with the master, he told them when they could go out and when they could go to bed.
Jason Maskiell